Aquarite Salt Reading Not Accurate. Solved!

Sometimes the AquaRite may start giving inaccurate salt readings and we totally understand how frustrating it can be. But fret not, we’re here with a comprehensive troubleshooting guide to help you navigate through this issue. 

So let’s move ahead and look into the nine most common causes of inaccurate readings and their solutions to get your AquaRite readings back on track!

9 Possible Causes & Solutions 

Calibration Issues

Calibration issues in the AquaRite system can arise as a result of multiple factors, including but not limited to environmental changes, sensor drift, etc. So, it is a good idea to recalibrate your system every now and then to steer clear of problems, such as incorrect salt level measurements. 

When & How To Recalibrate?

To find out if your system requires recalibration, use a reliable salt water test kit to determine the salt level in the water. 

If the test strip results do not match the AquaRite readings, your system requires calibration. And here’s how you can do it:

  • Start by turning the main switch from ‘Auto’ to ‘Off’ and then back to ‘Auto’ while the pump is running.
  • As you switch the buttons, you’ll hear a click sound from inside the panel within 15 seconds.
  • After you hear the click, repeatedly press the ‘Diagnostic’ button 5 times to start the calibration process.
  • The display screen will start showing salt level readings. When the reading on the screen matches the reading from the salt water test strip, move the main switch from ‘Auto’ to ‘Super Chlorinate’ and then back to ‘Auto’. 
  • That’s it. Your Hayward AquaRite system should be recalibrated at this point. 

If the inaccurate reading problem still persists, look into other possible causes. 

Old Cell

If your AquaRite system is showing low salt readings, it is likely due to cell failure. Cell failure can happen due to multiple reasons, but the usual suspect is simply old age catching up with the cell. When this happens, consider replacing the cell to have your AquaRite system up and running accurately again. 

What to Do

  • Replace the old cell with a new one by following the manufacturer’s guidelines or user manual of your AquaRite system.
  • If you’re not comfortable with doing the replacement yourself, consider bringing in a professional to the job for you.

Disruption in Water Flow

Sometimes the culprit behind inaccurate salt readings can be the water flow in your pool. A disruptive or irregular water flow can cause uneven distribution of salt in the water and cause salt accumulation in certain areas of the pool. As a result of poor water circulation and uneven salt distribution, the AquaRite system provides wrong salt level readings. 

What to Do

  • Clean pool filters to maintain proper water flow in the pool. 
  • Check for any blockages in the skimmer or pump baskets of the pool.
  • Make sure the pool pump is functional and remove any obstructions in the plumbing, such as kinks in any pipes, that can disrupt the water flow. 

Dirty Cell

A dirty cell in your salt water chlorine generator can cause incorrect salt level readings. While the AquaRite system supports automatic cell cleaning, you must still consider having regular maintenance and cleaning routines to avoid any issues.

What to Do

  • Cut off power to the AquaRite and remove the cell from the system to inspect it for any dirt or debris build-up.
  • If you find any buildup on the cell, soak the cell in a diluted acid solution and then gently scrub it to remove any debris. 
  • Rinse the cell and reinstall it back into the system. 

Note: Use protective gear for your eyes and hands to protect yourself from any hazardous effects of the acid wash and make sure to work in a well-ventilated area. 

Water Chemistry

The water parameters in the pool have a significant impact on the performance of the AquaRite system. The pH and alkalinity, in particular, can interfere with the function of your SWCG. A disturbed pH or alkalinity can lead to an incorrect salt reading, with high pH levels causing false high salt reading and vice versa.

What To Do

  • Use a water testing kit to determine the pH and alkalinity levels of your pool water. 
  • If the readings do not fall in the recommended range, adjust the water chemistry by taking the required action.
  • To avoid future issues related to water chemistry, develop a regular testing routine and maintain your pool water chemistry to ensure correct salt readings.

Temperature Variations

If your pool water is going through rapid and extreme temperature fluctuations, the Aqua Rite system may provide false readings. Inaccurate readings due to temperature fluctuations are usually temporary, leaving not much to worry about. 

What To Do

  • Maintain the water temperature within an optimal range.
  • Retest the salt levels once the temperature has stabilized. 

Usual Error Margin

It is also possible that your AquaRite system has no issues and the inaccurate reading is just due to the usual error margin in salt readings. Salt readings can be +/- 400 ppm from the actual salt concentration in the pool water and different test kits may show varying results. As long as the reading is not off by a margin greater than 400 ppm, there’s nothing to worry about.

Defective Cell Unit

If you’re consistently getting faulty salt readings from your AquaRite system, it is possible that the cell unit itself is defective. In this case, you may want to get in touch with Hayward to file for a warranty claim or get a replacement cell.

Power Issues

An unstable or inconsistent power supply can also impact the reading of your saltwater generator. Check for any loose connections and make sure your AquaRite system is receiving appropriate power supply.

In Short

All in all, your AquaRite salt reading may not turn out accurate due to a multitude of reasons. In most cases, this issue can be solved by recalibration, cleaning, or replacement of the cell. However, if nothing helps or you have a problem with troubleshooting, consider getting in touch with a professional.

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