Best Plants for Around a Pool in Florida?

The pool area can be enhanced with a variety of new plants. Notable additions might include the Bi-Color Dracaena, which can display vibrant hues more prominently in partial shade or when new. Several of these can be placed around the area, along with various Dragon Trees. One Dragon Tree could stand out with its leaves oriented in one direction while the stem angles differently.

Another highlight can be the Spider’s Wharf, also known as the Oyster Plant. It can serve well as a filler, though it might be gradually replaced by Bromeliads for added variety. Bromeliads are easy to manage—once removed, they can be replanted quickly. They are also self-mulching, making them an excellent choice for the garden.


New additions could include lovely Heliconias, with uncertain blooms of red or pink. The new growth on these plants can be notable. Despite efforts to maintain an organic garden, a weed or two might be visible, but Florida’s weeds are generally easier to manage compared to those in North Georgia.

Succulent Collection

The succulent collection can be updated with Powder Plants and Campfire Plants, both thriving in their new environment. New vermilions can also be added, providing ample space for growth due to their rapid development.

Bromeliad and Snake Plant Area

A variety of Bromeliads, String of Bananas, and a striking red Ti Plant, or “Red Sister,” can be featured in one corner of the garden. Snake Plants can also be present and are appreciated for their low maintenance and ability to thrive despite occasional neglect. A Corn Palm, grown from a cutting of a nearby Corn Palm, might humorously claim the title of possibly the tallest in Florida.

Furniture Upgrades

The pool area can receive new furniture for the first time. Reflecting on this purchase, it can be noted that these two chairs might be the first new furniture items ever acquired. Previously, furniture could be sourced from thrift stores or Craigslist, but finding suitable used pool furniture can be challenging, leading to the decision to buy new.

Maintenance and Final Touches

The orange set might need repainting if it shows signs of wear. A beetle issue could be discovered, requiring treatment to prevent further damage. Additionally, Dracaenas and giant vermilions can be used to enhance the back of the “hot tub” area.


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