Hayward Salt Cell Reading Low. 7 Solutions!

From a dirty cell to an imbalanced pool water chemistry, there’s a range of potential culprits behind a low salt reading on the Hayward salt cell. Whatever it is, we’ve got it all covered to help you understand the reasons behind this issue and walk you through the troubleshooting process side by side.

So let’s dive in and find out how to fix those low salt readings from your Hayward salt cell!

Hayward Salt Cell Reading Low: How To Fix

Here are a few tried and tested solutions to get your salt readings from the Hayward salt cell. back on track:

Clean The Cell

It is very common for salt cells to accumulate debris or scale over time, which can significantly impact their ability to measure the salt levels accurately. As per Hayward, a low salt reading should always be followed by cell cleaning first and foremost.

So if your Hayward salt cell is giving a low salt reading, go ahead and clean the cell using a diluted acid solution. Here’s how you can go about it:

  • Remove the cell from the plumbing.
  • Soak the salt cell in a diluted acid solution (3 parts water, 1 part water)..
  • After a while, gently scrub the cell with a soft brush to remove any scale build-up. 
  • Rinse the cell, reinstall it in the plumbing, and check the salt level again. 


If your salt cell is still serving those low salt readings even after your best cleaning efforts, don’t worry. You see, sometimes the calibration of your salt chlorinator might be a little off and you just need to reset it to get accurate salt readings. 

Depending on the specific type and model of your saltwater chlorine generating system, recalibration may involve a range of methods. Refer to the user manual or manufacturer’s guidelines to recalibrate your system. It is typically quite easy to recalibrate a salt chlorinator system but get in touch with a professional if you don’t feel handy enough.  

Replace The Cell

If cleaning and recalibrating the cell does not help, it’s a strong indication that your salt cell has started to age, resulting in a lower calculated salt level. 

Just like any other equipment, salt cells have a finite lifespan. They are typically designed to last for 3 to 5 years, depending on the frequency of use. If your salt cell has served this period, it doesn’t really owe you more and it’s high time you replace it with a new cell. 

  • When purchasing a replacement cell, make sure to pick the one that’s compatible with your salt chlorinator system.
  • Install it by following the manufacturer’s guidelines, or better yet reach out to a professional. 

Adjust pH & Alkalinity 

Water parameters, pH and alkalinity in particular, have a direct impact on how your salt cell reads the salt level in the pool. An imbalanced water chemistry interferes with the function of the salt cell and hence, causes it to provide an inaccurate salt measurement. 

Generally, a low pH level leads to low salt reading. So if your Hayward salt cell is giving a low salt reading, get your hands on a reliable testing kit and find out if the pH or alkalinity level of your pool water is within the recommended ranges. 

In case the parameters are off, take corrective measures, such as using pH increasers to restore the pH level back to normal.

Maintain Water Flow

Poor water flow eventually leads to uneven salt distribution in the pool. Due to disruptions in water flow, salt tends to accumulate in certain areas while the rest of the pool receives very little or no salt at all. Consequently, you get localized high or low salt readings even though the overall salt concentration is correct. 

In short, if your Hayward salt cell reading is low or inaccurate, check for problems in the water circulation system of your pool. Clean or replace filters, check for blockages, adjust valves, and inspect the pump, as required.

Ensure Optimal Temperature

Just like other water parameters, temperature also has some impact on the performance of a salt chlorinator system. In a low temperature environment, the Hayward salt cell may provide a lower than actual salt measurement.

While most chlorinators are designed to power through temperature fluctuations without compromising performance, they cannot endure extreme or excessive temperature conditions. Therefore, you must allow the temperature to stabilize if you’re planning to test salt levels to get accurate results.

Check Salt Level Using Test Kit

If your salt level is consistently low, you must consider verifying the actual salt levels in your pool by using a good salt testing kit, like the very reliable Taylor k-1766, to get an accurate salt measurement because the salt concentration in your pool might actually be low.

For your saltwater chlorinator system and hence, the Hayward salt cell to function optimally, it is important to maintain the salt levels within the range recommended by the manufacturer. 

Final Word

From the state of your Hayward salt cell to the chemistry of your pool water, we’ve explored all the potential reasons that can cause low salt reading. The issue can be solved by a simple recalibration, cleaning, or replacement of the cell. However, it is crucial to find out why your Hayward salt cell reading is low so you can proceed with the solution accordingly.

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