Pool Pilot Digital Nano No Output/Not Producing Chlorine? Here’s the Solution!

When your Pool Pilot chlorinator flashes the ‘no output’ warning or decides to stop generating chlorine, it can be pretty frustrating. But here’s the deal: there’s no need for you to break a sweat because solving this issue is actually a straightforward process once you’ve identified the root-cause.

So let’s walk you through Pool Pilot Digital Nano’s troubleshooting and help you fix whatever is causing those pesky problems with chlorine production in your pool.  

Pool Pilot Digital Nano Not Producing Chlorine: Causes & Solutions

Following are some possible causes and solutions for Pool Pilot not producing chlorine or displaying a no output warning. 

Algae Infestation

While you may think algae growth shouldn’t be a problem with the Pool Digital Nano installed in your pool, it actually has the potential of becoming a nightmare. Algae eats up chlorine super fast, causing the chlorinator to fail at maintaining adequate chlorine levels in the pool.

In simpler words, when your pool is infested by algae, the chlorine in your pool will start vanishing faster than the Nano can make it. As a result, the situation looks like your Pool Pilot is not producing chlorine.


While the presence of algae is usually apparent from the appearance of the pool’s water, you must still start by testing out the water to confirm the presence of algae.

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If the presence of algae is indicated by the test:

  • Shock your pool to get rid of existing algae.
  • Scrub your pool walls and floors to physically remove the algae.
  • Adjust the Digital Nano to a higher output setting and maintain high chlorine levels for a longer time to counter the rapid consumption of chlorine by the algae and fight it off permanently.
  • To prevent future infestations, clean your pool regularly and maintain adequate chlorine levels. Moreover, using a good algaecide, like this one by Clorox, every once in a while can help keep the algae growth at bay. 

Low Salt Levels

The Pool Pilot chlorinator or any chlorinator, for that matter, requires adequate amount of salt levels in the pool water to be able to generate chlorine. When the salt level falls below the recommended range, the chlorinator fails to produce the required amount of chlorine, resulting in no or insufficient chlorine output.


  • Find out the required amount of salt level according to your pool setup by referring to the Pool Pilot Digital Nano manual.
  • Use a reliable salt test strip to determine the salt level of your pool water.
  • If the test indicates a low salt level, add the required amount of salt to your pool and let it dissipate completely. 
  • Once the salt level is fixed, the Nano should start producing chlorine, if the issue was triggered by insufficient salt level in the first place.

Insufficient Water Flow

Insufficient water flow through the chlorinator leads to inadequate chlorine generation. When there’s a lack of water flow in the pool, a ‘Purifier Off, Check Flow’ warning is often generated on the Digital Nano. And honestly, there’s nothing better than the chlorinator itself highlighting the issue for you. Don’t investigate further, just listen to it and maintain the water flow as required.


  • Check the pool pump and filter to make sure they’re functioning well.
  • Find out the required rate of water flow for the Digital Nano as per your pool setup requirements and make sure to maintain it for optimal chlorine generation.

Scale Build-up on Cell

The accumulation of calcium scale on the chlorinator’s cell can impact its performance over time. Eventually, this scale build-up causes the chlorinator, in this case the Digital Nano, to stop functioning altogether and fail at generating chlorine. 


  • Inspect the cell of the Digital Nano for any debris or scale accumulation.
  • Clean the cell using a diluted acid solution or refer to the manufacturer’s guidelines for safe cell cleaning.
  • To prevent future issues, consider cleaning and maintaining your chlorinator cell regularly.
  • While inspection, it is also possible for you to spot signs of damage or wear and tear, indicating that the cell might have failed. In this case, you can get a replacement cell for Pool Pilot Chlorine Generator and install it by putting those DIY skills of yours to use.

Power Supply Issues

If the Digital Nano chlorinator doesn’t receive a consistent power supply, it fails to function optimally. In the event of a disrupted power supply, the chlorinator will be unable to produce chlorine consistently or at all. 


  • Make sure the chlorinator is getting the required power supply.
  • Check for any loose connections or damaged or malfunctioning wires.
  • If you notice any unusual power issues, it is best to get in touch with a professional for proper assistance. 

Clogged Filters/Pipes

Any obstructions in the pool’s plumbing can disrupt the water flow to the Digital Nano and compromise its performance. So if your Pool Pilot chlorinator is not producing chlorine, it might be because the system is not receiving an ample amount of water supply.


  • Thoroughly inspect the filtration system of your pool. Check the pump and plumbing for any clogs.
  • Remove any debris or scale accumulation that might potentially reduce the water flow.
  • Check for any blockages or plumbing problems in the Digital Nano.

Incorrect Control Settings

It is also possible for the Digital Nano to have been mistakenly configured with the wrong settings, causing insufficient chlorine production in the pool.


  • Read the Pool Pilot Digital Nano user manual to find out the correct settings according to your pool setup. 
  • Make sure the chlorine output setting is configured correctly for your pool size. 

In Short

While your Pool Pilot Digital Nano can stop producing chlorine for a number of reasons, the most common culprits tend to be algae infestation or insufficient salt levels in the pool. These issues can impact the chlorinator’s performance and eventually make it stop producing chlorine or give ‘no output’ errors. In any case, you can fix these issues with proper troubleshooting and maintenance and get your chlorinator back to doing its job efficiently.

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